Alcosense Guarantee Warranty

Personal Breathalysers
Calibrate your breathalyser every 6 months from the date of purchase with AlcoSense/Andatech and  the manufacturer's warranty will be extended for as long as the service or calibrations are maintained [1]. 

Workplace Breathalysers
Calibrate your breathalyser every 6 months from the date of purchase and AlcoSense will extend the manufacturer's warranty for up to 5 years from the original purchase date [1].

Extend Your Warranty with Calibration Management
Sign up for a Breathalyser Management Plan and save time and money each year. It's the easiest way to get your breathalyser calibrated every 6 months, and saves you the hassle of booking it in each time.

As long as you continue to calibrate it every 6 months from the date you purchased your breathalyser, you'll continue to be covered under the AlcoSense Guarantee [1].


[1]. Terms & Conditions apply. For more information, please visit